
Invited speaker

Anna-Karin Tornberg

KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Personal webpage


Anna-Karin Tornberg is a professor in Numerical Analysis at KTH in Stockholm since 2012. Her research concerns the development of numerical methods for the solution of PDEs. One specific focus is on boundary integral methods for fluid flows involving particles and drops, and with that both development and analysis of important components such as fast methods to accelerate the computations and numerical quadrature techniques for evaluation of singular and nearly singular integrals.

In 2014 Prof. Tornberg was awarded the Göran Gustafsson prize in Mathematics in Sweden. She is an elected member both of the Swedish Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) and of the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences (KVA). Earlier awards include the selection as an Alfred P. Sloan research fellow (2006) while Prof. Tornberg was part of the faculty at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences (New York University) as well as the Leslie Fox First Prize in Numerical Analysis (2000).