
Invited speaker

Mirjam Dür

University of Augsburg

Personal webpage



Mirjam Dür was born in Vienna, Austria, where she received a M.Sc. degree in Mathematics from the University of Vienna in 1996. She received a PhD in applied mathematics from University of Trier in 1999. After that, she worked as an assistant professor at Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, as a junior professor at TU Darmstadt, as an Universitair Docent at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands, and as a professor of Nonlinear Optimization in Trier. Since October 2017, she is a professor of Mathematical Optimization in Augsburg, Germany.


Her expertise includes all aspects of mathematical optimization, mostly in continuous and combinatorial optimization, optimization over convex cones and in particular optimization over the cone of copositive matrices which establishes interesting links between continuous and discrete optimization. She is especially interested in global optimization, i.e. algorithmic solution methods which avoid computing local optima but provide global optima instead.