
For participants


Where can I register for the 8ECM?

Registrations are closed from June 7, 2021.

Why should I save the registration confirmation link that was sent to my email?

With the registration confirmation link, you will be able to access your registration platform where you can edit and add information about yourself and your accompanying persons and complete your payment.

Additionally, you will be able to upload abstracts and posters for the 8ECM at a later date. 

I would like to change and update some data in my registration form. However, I forgot how to access my profile. What should I do?

Each registrant has received a personalized link sent to their email when they first registered for the 8ECM. Try looking up the email in your inbox with a search function by Subject: Registration confirmation, and/or Sender:8ECM.

If you can still not retrieve your personalized link, send an email to 8ecm.registration@famnit.upr.si.

Why do I have to declare my research interest in the registration form?

By declaring your research interest(s) you will help us choose the right size of lecture halls. Also, if you declare two research interests we will try not to schedule talks that might interest you in parallel. We suggest that you review your answers in the registration form and amend them accordingly.

Can my Institution pay the registration fee for me?

Yes, your institution can pay the registration fee. When completing the registration form, simply follow the registration process through the first stage where you enter your personal information and affiliation, then enter "Submit". With this, you have created your personal platform where you will be able to edit all information regarding your participation at the 8ECM.

In the second stage you will be able to add payment information. Choose the appropriate registration fee and proceed to checkout. There you will have the option to choose who will pay for the current order. Select the option "New Institution or company" and proceed to enter all the information about your institution. A PDF pro forma invoice will be generated (you can print it and/or save it) and you will be able to forward this to your administration office. It will have all the relevant information to enable your institution to make the payment.

After the payment is made, your registration is automatically confirmed, after which you will be notified via email.

I want to register myself and an accompanying person, but I would need to invoices since my institution is paying for me. Is this possible?

Yes. It is possible to receive two invoices, one addressed to your University (fee payment) and one to yourself (additional payment for your accompanying person).

To achieve this, please follow this two-step process where you register first (and address the receipt to your institution) and pay for your accompanying person after the first payment is confirmed (this time, address the receipt to yourself):

1. Begin your registration process through the registration form. Do not include your accompanying person just yet and follow the payment process.

2. You will arrive at the option to choose "Who will pay the current order?". Please follow the process described above (Institution paying the registration fee).

3. Get your university to make the payment (by wire transfer or by credit card). NOTE: the payment process could take a few business days, if the payment is conducted by bank transfer.

- after we receive the payment and confirm it, you will be able to continue with the next steps, and you will also receive an advance invoice for the completed payment -

4. Access your registration profile page and add an accompanying person. Please be sure to correctly fill in the form for "Who will pay the current order?". This time it should be you.

5. Complete the payment (by credit card or by wire transfer).

Can I pay the registration fee online?

Yes. You can pay online with a credit card. VISA and MasterCard are accepted. You will be redirected to the Bank secure page. Your credit card/bank statement will show that the amount for the registration fee is paid to ABELIUM D.O.O. SI LJUBLJANA

Please visit the 8ECM website https://8ecm.eu/for-participants/fees-and-registration for more information on Fees and Registration.

Can i get a refund if I decide not to participate the online format of the congress?

There are no full refunds for withdrawing participation from the 8ECM. Following the decision to go online, eligible participants that have already paid the registration fee can request a partial fee waiver in the amount of 120 €, according to the defined rules*.

Eligible participants can write to 8ecm.registration@famnit.upr.si with a request for a partial fee waiver and proof of their status no later than 31 March 2021.

Please note: Participants, requesting a partial fee refund are automatically forgoing participation at the 8ECM.

Participation fees for accompanying persons will be fully refunded (100%). The organizers will contact the said participants with additional information in the following weeks.

Please read more about this matter here.

* Participants that are eligible for a partial fee waiver, reduced by 120 €, are: economically disadvantaged groups (retired, students, unemployed); nationals of least developed countries, as defined by the UN list of least developed countries , on the condition that they are affiliated to an institution from said countries in their 8ECM registration profile; researchers who had their registration covered from grants and are required to recompense due to the grant tender rules; researchers who have suffered a cut in their research funding due to the epidemic. 

I have registered through the Online form but haven’t paid the registration fee. Does this mean I am registered for the 8ECM?

No. Please be advised that your registration is completed only after the registration fee is paid in full.

This also applies should you need an invitation letter (for visa purposes). The organizers of 8ECM will not issue any invitation letters for participants who have not completed their registration (e.g. paid the registration fee in full).

How can I actively participate at the 8ECM?

There are different ways to participate at the 8ECM. You can contribute with a short talk in a Minisymposium (MS), a general session and with a poster.

Abstracts and posters for general sessions and MS may be submitted through the personal registration platform. The organizers of the MS will be responsible for approving abstracts submitted to their sessions.

Where can I apply with a poster?

Details of poster contributions will be announced shortly.  You will have an option to participate with a printed poster or, in addition, with a 3-minute video poster presentation. There will be a competition for the best video posters: more information will follow shortly on our website.

How can I participate with a talk at the 8ECM?

You can apply with an abstract for a General session or a Minisymposium (MS). Abstracts and posters for special sessions and MS may be submitted through the personal registration platform. Only participants who complete their registration by May 1, 2021, e.g. have paid the registration fee in full by that date, will have the option to submit abstracts.

The organizers of the MS will be responsible for approving abstracts submitted to their sessions. The Local Scientific Committee will be responsible for approving talks for the Special Sessions.

Can every participant contribute with an abstract or a poster?

To participate with a contribution (talk or poster) participants have to choose the Active Full e-participation. Other registration types do not allow submitting abstracts or posters, only following the sessions.

Can speakers contribute more than one talk at the 8ECM?

No. Only Plenary, Invited and Public speakers have the possibility to give an additional lecture at the 8ECM (namely within an MS or a special session).

What is a special session?

Each special session is named after one of the following 18 research areas

  1. Algebra
  2. Algebraic and Complex Geometry
  3. Analysis and its Applications
  4. Combinatorics and Discrete Mathematics
  5. Differential Geometry and Applications
  6. Dynamical Systems and Ordinary Differential Equations and Applications
  7. Logic and Mathematical Aspects of Computer Science
  8. Mathematical Image and Signal processing
  9. Mathematical Physics
  10. Mathematics Education and History of Mathematics
  11. Mathematics in Science and Technology
  12. Number Theory
  13. Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
  14. Optimization and Control
  15. Partial Differential Equations and Applications
  16. Probability
  17. Statistics and Financial Mathematics
  18. Topology

Each contribution is assigned either to a minisyimposium or to one of the above 18 special sessions.

How long are the talks in a special session?

All talks in a special session are 20 min talks (including 5 min for questions and possible change of lecture rooms).

How long are the talks in a minisymposium?

There are 40 min, 30 min and 20 min talks.  In each case, the last 5 min are for questions and a change of lecture rooms.

Is the MS Chair required to seek publication of MS contributions?

The MS Chair is indeed encouraged to seek publication of their participants' contributions, but this is something that will only be determined in more detail in the following months.

How will the MS be scheduled?

MS will be scheduled in such a way that the start of the lectures is planned before noon, right after the Plenary talks. The sessions will be scheduled for the whole afternoon. In the case of larger minisymposia, sessions will be held on two consecutive days. A more detailed schedule will be formed in the following months.

Is it possible to have all MS talks of equal length?

Yes. An MS can consist of one Keynote talk (40 minutes), with all other presentations being short talks (of 20 minutes) instead of the 5 normal talks and 4 or more short talks, as is announced in the Open call. Additionally, it can contain any number of poster contributions.

Is it possible for our Math Society to have a business meeting during the 8ECM?

Yes, if your Society is a full member of the EMS and you expect at least 30 registered participants, it may hold a meeting during the 8ECM. A room and a timeslot will be assigned to your society. Please address your request to the Organizing Committee at 8ecm2020@famnit.upr.si

I would like to be considered for scheduling in Minisymposium MS -ID xy if possible, since my topic is very related to this session.

Each minisymposium is run independently by minisymposium organizers. Normally, all contributions in a minisymposium are by invitation only. 

I would like to apply for travel funding in my country - could you please provide an invitation letter? 

For a contribution in a special session we can provide a letter stating that your contribution has been accepted for presentation at the 8ECM. 

For a contribution in a Minisymposium, please address this request to the MS organizers. 

After presenting your contribution at the 8ECM you will receive the corresponding certificate.