
Open calls

Call for Minisymposia

Important announcement: 

Call for Minisymposia re-opened!

Applicants have until 31 March, 2021 to submit their proposals.



Open call for 8ECM Minisymposia Proposals


Download Call for Minisymposia proposals


A Minisymposium (MS) is generally a session of 10 or more coordinated presentations on a single topic of substantial current interest and importance in mathematics and its applications. 

The purpose of an MS is to group high-quality speakers at 8ECM who work in the same area of mathematics and are interested in each other's work. It is expected that a typical participant in 8ECM will attend 1-3 minisymposia. For the purposes of 8ECM, larger minisymposia are preferred. 

The MS organizer is the chair of the minisymposium and may also be one of the speakers within the minisymposium.  The MS organizers are encouraged to select the MS speakers in such a way that youth equality and gender balance is achieved. Also, MS organizers are encouraged to include members of underrepresented minorities as speakers, whenever appropriate.  

Some important information:


The deadline for submitting an MS proposal is 31 March, 2021 at midnight (Central European Time). The application form is to be submitted online through the official 8ECM website.

Scheduling of an MS

Any minisymposium will be scheduled in such a way that the talks follow on the same day (or two days) in the same lecture room. Minisymposia covering similar topics will not be scheduled at the same time (if possible). The sequence of talks is determined by the MS organizer.

MS proposed talks

An MS proposal should have at least 10 tentative talks. 

You can indicate one talk as a 40-minute keynote talk, and up to 5 talks as 30-minute talks.  All remaining talks will be 20 minute talks.  We expect that most MS will have at most around 20 talks.

In addition, we strongly encourage each MS to include a poster session, with details to follow. Participants who are presenting a poster will be given an opportunity before the conference to upload a 3min video description of their poster, to be hosted on the MS section of the 8ECM webpage.  An MS can include any number of posters.

At least 10 tentative talks or posters for a proposed MS must be provided upon submission. Note that any participant may give at most one talk (excluding invited/plenary talks and posters).

MS contributions

Any 8ECM participant may also request to contribute a presentation to a given MS. The proposed contribution will be reviewed by the MS Chair, who will determine whether it is accepted as a talk, accepted as a poster, or not accepted in the MS.

Waiving the congress fee

The 8ECM organizers will waive the congress fee for organizers (MS proposers) of all selected MS. It is, however, possible to waive the congress fee for the MS keynote speaker instead of the organizer. The 8ECM organizers are not waiving the congress fee for co-organizers. In the case that the MS contains at least 20 oral contributions, the 8ECM organizers will waive the congress fee for two active MS participants - the MS organizer and the MS keynote speaker.

Approval of MS

Each potential organizer of an MS submits a proposal for organizing a minisymposium to the organizing committee. The local scientific committee examines the proposal and evaluates the proposal for its scientific strength. In the case of a positive evaluation, the proposal is temporarily approved. When a sufficient number of participants (at least 10) pay the congress fee, the MS gets final approval.

An MS that does not attract 10 participants that pay the congress fee by 1 May 2021 is dropped from the list of MS and the talks are rescheduled to congress regular sessions.  In such an event the congress fee is waived neither for the MS Chair nor for the MS keynote speaker.

Congress registration and MS

Each participant that pays a registration fee is eligible for one contribution at most. The contribution may be oral or a poster. After submitting an abstract, the author may propose the MS or a section and the type of presentation. The MS Chair or section leader may change the oral presentation to a poster (or even cancel the proposed contribution as unsuitable). All presentations outside MS are short (or posters).

Proceedings of MS

MS Chair should be encouraged to seek publication of the MS Keynote speaker's full paper for the Congress Proceedings.

Before starting the submission

In the submission process you will need the following information (it is recommended you collect all these data before starting the submission):

  • Your personal data including EMS ID and MathSciNet ID numbers (if available);
  • Up to 3 MSC2010 codes best describing the proposed MS topic;
  • Summary of the proposed MS in no more than 1500 characters, including spaces;

The summary should be written to attract those who specifically work on your topic as well as those who work in related areas. In the case that the proposed MS is selected, this text will be published on the congress webpage to present the MS.

We suggest the following outline: 

  1. Explain the problem area to be addressed by the speakers and why it is important in the significant application.
  2. Identify current directions of research and methods being developed to solve problems, including their advantages and shortcomings. 
  3. Describe the scope of your minisymposium. 

Personal data (name, surname, email, affiliation) of MS Keynote speaker, 5 MS Normal speakers, and up to 5 potential MS Short speakers (if already available), together with tentative titles of their presentations. Titles for the presentations should be communicated to the Office of the Organising Committee no later than 31 March, 2021


If you require any further information, please contact the Office of the 8ECM Organising Committee by email at 8ecm2020@famnit.upr.si