
About 8ECM

Past European Congresses of Mathematics

The European Congresses of Mathematics are held under the auspices by the European Mathematical Society (EMS) every four years.

The European Mathematical Society is a learned society representing mathematicians throughout Europe. It promotes the development of all aspects of mathematics in Europe, in particular mathematical research, relations of mathematics to society, relations to European institutions, and mathematical education. The EMS has its members in around 60 national mathematical societies in Europe, 40 mathematical research centres and departments, and 3000 individuals.

The EMS is an affiliate member of the International Mathematical Union - IMU and an associate member of the International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics - ICIAM.

EMS Congresses are held from 1992 when the 1st European Congress of Mathematics took place in Paris, France.

Since 1992 European Congress of Mathematics was held every four years in different parts of Europe: