
About 8ECM

8ECM Newsletter No. 8


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Newsletter No. 08 (June 25, 2021)
  • An Invitation to the Closing Ceremony
  • Reminder: An interview with ERC president J. P. Bourguignon
  • Some fresh 8ECM statistics
  • zbMATH survey

An invitation to the Closing Ceremony

After several days of tightly packed events, this is the last day of the congress. For the 8ECM finale, we invite everyone to join us at the Closing Ceremony of the 8th European Congress of Mathematics today at 17:30 (CEST). The ceremony will be held at the Congress Centre Bernardin in Portortorož in the lecture hall Emerald.

The keynote speakers at the ceremony are:

  • Volker Mehrmann (TU Berlin), president of the European Mathematical Society
  • Andrei Okounkov, member of the ICM 2022 Executive Organizing Committee.
  • Juan González-Meneses López, 9ECM Organizing committee Chair.
  • Klavdija Kutnar, Rector of the Univerity of Primoska and 8ECM Organising Comittee Deputy-Chair.
  • Tomaž Pisanski, 8ECM Organising Committee Chair

The event will also be streamed online and available to the public at the followings link: https://vimeo.com/event/1060184

Reminder: an interview with ERC president J. P. Bourguignon

Today at 16:00 CEST, a live interview with Jean Pierre Bourguignon, currently serving as the President of the European Research Council, will be broadcast live at https://upr-si.zoom.us/j/83972804158.

The interview will be conducted by Professor Günter Ziegler, a prominent mathematician, who currently serves as the President of the Freie Universität Berlin, and the event will be chaired by Professor Maria J. Esteban, the Chair of the 8ECM Scientific Committee. and will be broadcasted live with open access. 

Some fresh 8ECM statistics:

  • 1771 participants from 77 countries,
  • 1058 contributions,
  • Abel lecture, Bernoulli lecture, Hirzebruch lecture
  • 10 Plenary speakers,
  • 30 Invited speakers,
  • 6 Public talks,
  • 12 prize winners,
  • 62 Minisymposia,
  • 9 satellite conferences,
  • 105 scholarships awarded,
  • 350 student participants, among them:
    • 71 International Mathematic Olympiad medalists, 
    • 36 European Girls' Mathematical Olympiad medalists,
    • 38 students selected by MS organizers
  • More than 70 volunteers and staff members that made the 8th European Congress of Mathematics a week to remember!

zbMATH survey

Since January 1st 2021, the zbMATH database has gone Open Access. The 8ECM participants are kindly invited to access and complete the survey about zbMATH Open at https://zbmath.org/ The feedback from the community is essential for the developers in order to improve the database. Thank you for your cooperation.

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