
About 8ECM

8ECM Newsletter No. 3

Newsletter No. 03 (May 21, 2021)
  • Some thoughts on the 8ECM scientific programme, prof. Maria J. Esteban, Chair of the Scientific Committee
  • Timetable for 8ECM Plenary talks, Abel, Bernoulli and Hirzebruch lectures
  • Women of Mathematics throughout Europe - A Gallery of portraits
Some thoughts on 8ECM scientific programme

The eighth European Congress of Mathematics (8ECM) is about to start and despite the complications of the sanitary situation in Europe and everywhere else, I am sure that it will be an important scientific event and that many people will profit from the many wonderful talks and other events organised during the week of the congress. Some years before the beginning of the congress, the choice of the main part of the scientific program was left in the hands of the Scientific Committee (SC), whose members were chosen by the Executive Committee of the EMS and that I was honoured to chair.

The Executive Committee tried to choose a SC whose membership would represent the richness and the variety of European mathematics. Indeed, the ECM congresses are the most important mathematical events in Europe and they should showcase the reality and the variety of this scientific field in the continent. Every mathematician in Europe should find a little bit of his or her field in the congress, even if it is impossible to invite people from all fields and subfields of mathematics when having only a limited number of slots …

The congress should also highlight the new trends and directions in which mathematics is evolving nowadays. At the beginning of the discussions, the members of the SC proposed a long list of possible speakers, both for the invited and the plenary lists. In order to make good choices within those two lists and produce a balanced result, both concerning gender and thematic diversity, a well-thought strategy was devised so that no big unbalance would be produced in the intermediate discussions, votes and choices, so that when the SC met in Portorož to make its final decisions, the shortlists they had to choose from still reflected the balance that the EMS wanted to ensure for its next congress. Several years later we see the result of that heavy work and we hope that you will like our choices and enjoy the congress!

Maria J. Esteban, Chair of the 8ECM Scientific Committee 
Timetable of 8ECM Plenary talks, Abel, Bernoulli and Hirzebruch lectures

Monday, June 21
10:30 Alfio Quarteroni: The Beat of Math
12:00 Umberto Zannier: Torsion in algebraic groups and problems which arise

Tuesday, June 22
09:00 Monika Ludwig: Geometric Valuation Theory
10:20 Janos Pach: Escaping the curse of dimensionality in combinatorics

Wednesday, June 23
09:00 Franci Forstnerič: Minimal surfaces from a complex analytic viewpoint
10:20 Gitta Kutyniok: The Mathematics of Deep Learning
19:00 László Lovász: Abel lecture

Thursday, June 24
09:00 Peter Bühlmann: Statistical Learning: Causal-oriented and robust
10:20 Xavier Cabré: Stable solutions to semilinear elliptic equations are smooth up to dimension 9

Friday, June 25
09:00 Alice Guionnet: Bernoulli Random Matrices (Bernoulli lecture)
10:20 Karl-Theodor Sturm: Metric measure spaces and synthetic Ricci bounds
11:30 Martin Hairer: Hirzebruch lecture

All times in Central European Summer Time (CEST). Please visit the congress page for abstracts and final timetable, when available.

As part of the 8ECM, the University of Primorska is currently hosting the poster exhibition Women of Mathematics throughout Europe - A Gallery of portaits, as designed by Sylvie Paycha and Noel Tovia Matoff. The exhibition was recently extended with 7 new portraits and now contains 20 European mathematicians.

The exhibition was opened last Saturday, May 15th, in Armerija Palace, Koper. It will remain open during the 8ECM until 30 June 2021, then it will visit all the other university towns in Slovenia. The co-organizers of the extension and the organizers of the exhibition in Slovenia are Marjeta Kramar Fijavž and Jasna Prezelj, Committee for Women at the Society of Mathematicians, Physicists and Astronomers of Slovenia (DMFA Slovenije)

