
About 8ECM

8ECM Newsletter No. 1

Newsletter No. 01 (May 7, 2021)
  • An Invitation to the 8ECM from Volker Mehrmann, president of EMS
  • László Lovász, the 2021 Abel Prize Laureate, to deliver a lecture at the 8ECM
  • A short report from Tomaž Pisanski, chair of the 8ECM Organizing Committee
  • Welcome to Slovenia, a promotional video
An Invitation to the 8ECM from Volker Mehrmann, president of EMS

Dear members of the European Mathematical Society, dear mathematical colleagues and friends, researchers, students or math enthusiasts.

It is my great pleasure to announce that preparations of the 8ECM are going well and that the Congress is about to start on June 19th, in spite of many organizational problems that were caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Although the online event is not exactly what we wanted in the first place, the possibility of delivering and attending lectures online might make the participation feasible or easier for some of you.

I hope that 8ECM will help to bring together our mathematical community to actively discuss our work in approximately 1000 talks, and to honour some outstanding mathematical work of our community members by attending the talks of 2020 EMS prize winners as well as other distinguished speakers. We hope that the congress inspires future generations of mathematicians, who will shape the mathematics of 21st century.

I therefore warmly invite you to participate in the congress yourself and to spread the news about the congress to your colleagues and students. I hope to meet you in Portorož, either live or online, soon.

Yours Sincerely, 
Volker Mehrmann, president of the EMS

László Lovász, the 2021 Abel Prize Laureate, to deliver a lecture at the 8ECM

We are pleased to announce that Professor László Lovász will deliver an Abel lecture at the 8th European Congress of Mathematics.

The Abel Prize, awarded annually by the Norwegian government, is regarded as one of the highest honours in mathematics. László Lovász has received the 2021 Abel prize along with Avi Wigderson, "for their foundational contributions to theoretical computer science and discrete mathematics, and their leading role in shaping them into central fields of modern mathematics."



A short report from The Organizing Committee

Dear Colleagues.

It is my great honour and pleasure to announce that we are entering the final stage of preparation of the 8th European Congress of Mathematics. Regardless of all COVID-related difficulties we have seen in the last year, I can assure you that our team at the University of Primorska will do its best to make the 8ECM memorable and as socially interactive as possible.

With only 7 weeks away from the beginning of the great event, our team will be preparing a short newsletter with recent news and announcements every Friday until the congress. We hope it will warm you up for the Congress and make you feel most welcome in Slovenia.

Currently, there are more than 1200 participants from more than 70 countries with over 1000 submissions registered, with many highly esteemed senior mathematicians as well as many young researchers and students among them. Selected highlights of the programme and more details on the structure of participants will be given in the upcoming newsletters, as well as practical information regarding your virtual or eventual live participation.

I deeply regret that it might not be possible to meet all of you personally in our country this time. Yet I'm sure that new strong bonds will be made and we shall soon enjoy making mathematics in a person to person setting again in a few months, as the epidemiological situation improves.

Tomaž Pisanski, University of Primorska
Chair of the 8ECM Organizing Committee
