Timetable of 8ECM Public lectures and Hirzebruch lecture
Monday, June 21, 16:00-17:00 Robin Wilson: European mathematics: a history in 200 Stamps
Monday, June 21, 18:00-19:00 Kathryn Hess: Topological explorations in neuroscience
Tuesday, June 22, 21:00-22:00 Bojan Mohar: Crossing numbers: From Art and Circuit Design to Knots and Number theory
Wednesday, June 23, 16:00-17:00 Stanislav Smirnov: Mathematics: art or science?
Thursday, June 24, 19:00-20:00 Andrei Okounkov: Lie theory without groups
Friday, June 25, 11:30-12:30: Martin Hairer: A mathematical journey through scales (Hirzebruch lecture)All times in Central European Summer Time (CEST). Please visit the congress page for abstracts and final timetable when available.
Are you coming to Portorož? After a rainy month of May, the weather on the Slovenian coast is getting pleasantly warm and sunny. Two weeks away from the start of the 8ECM, many small steps towards the congress are being made every day. Despite the 8ECM being moved online, we are putting great effort into making at least some of the events also available live during the week of the 8ECM. While observing all health and security measures, we are planning several activities at the 8ECM venue Congress centre Bernardin, Portorož:
- A welcome evening event on Sunday, 20 June.
- Registration point and volunteers, providing information and technical support.
- One coffee break offered during the day in the lobby area.
- Several free exhibitions at the 8ECM venue
- Some lecture rooms available for meetings in smaller groups, lecture screenings or simply to provide a space to deliver your lecture online.
In order to book accommodation, please find additional information at the 8ECM website.
You can also find the latest information on border crossing to Slovenia and current Covid-19 regulations in Slovenia.
We look forward to welcoming you at the 8ECM – either online or in person!
8ECM Organizing Committee
8ECM welcome packages are ready!

With the help of dedicated volunteers, about 1500 welcome packages for registered participants were prepared during the last week.
The packages will be delivered to 8ECM participants by regular mail in a few days, except to those participants who expressed their intention to come to Portorož in person in the online registration form.
The 8ECM postage stamp
A few days ago, the official postage stamp of value €1.94, dedicated to the 8ECM, was issued by the Post of Slovenia.
At the congress venue, the exhibition of mathematical stamps by Prof. Robin Wilson, as well as several other exhibitions, will be available. Please find more information on this and other exhibitions here.