
Invited speaker

Albert Cohen

Sorbonne University

Personal webpage



Albert Cohen got his PhD in 1990 under the supervision of Yves Meyer.

Since 1995 he is a full professor at Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, Sorbonne Universite, Paris.


He is the authors of over 100 papers in journals and 3 books. He was an invited speaker at ICM 2002 and plenary speaker at ICIAM 2006. He received the Vasil Popov, Jacques Herbrant, and Blaise Pascal prizes. He has been a junior and senior member of Institut Universitaire de France, and recipient of an advanced ERC grant.


His general interests include approximation theory, statistics, signal-image-data processing, numerical analysis. His current research is concerned with the numerical treatment of problems that involve a very large number of variables, thus challenged by the "curse of  dimensionality".