
Felix Klein Prize Winner

Arnulf Jentzen

Felix Klein Prize


University of Münster (WWU)


Arnulf Jentzen is a full professor in the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Sciences at the University of Münster (WWU) and a member of the Cluster of Excellence "Mathematics Münster" at the University of Münster.

The core research topics of his research group at the University of Münster are machine learning approximation algorithms, computational stochastics, numerical analysis for high-dimensional partial differential equations, stochastic analysis, and computational finance. He is particularly interested in deep learning based algorithms for high-dimensional approximation problems and different kinds of differential equations.

Arnulf Jentzen serves in the editorial boards of several mathematical journals such as the Annals of Applied Probability, Communications in Mathematical Sciences, the Journal of Complexity, the Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, the SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, and the SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing.