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ICM 2022 - Nomination of speakers and laureates of IMU prizes

The organizers of International Congress of Mathematicians 2022 - ICM 2022 have announced nominations for speakers and laureates of IMU prizes.

The ICM 2022 will take place in St. Petersburg, Russia, from 6 to 14 July 2022. The largest mathematics congress in the world is held under the auspices of International Mathematical Union - IMU.

As they reported in their announcement, the list of the ICM 2022 sections, as proposed by the ICM Structure Committee and decided by the Executive Committee of the IMU can be found here. When nominating speakers, please indicate whether you propose them as plenary or section speakers. If you make suggestions for section speakers, please indicate in which sections the persons should be invited. Shared lectures between sections are also possible.

Please send all communications concerning the scientific program directly to the ICM 2022 Program Committee Chair, Martin Hairer at chair@pc22.mathunion.org.

The deadline for nominations is November 1, 2020.


In addition, the nominations are open for IMU prizes, including the prestigious Fields Medal.

Nominations should be submitted to the appropriate committees listed below:

  • the Fields Medals – Chair: IMU President Carlos E. Kenig. Email: chair@fields22.mathunion.org
  • the IMU Abacus Medal – Chair: James Demmel. Email: chair@abacus22.mathunion.org 
  • the Carl Friedrich Gauss Prize – Chair: Eva Tardos. Email: chair@gauss22.mathunion.org
  • the Chern Medal Award – Chair: Yakov Eliashberg. Email: chair@chern22.mathunion.org
  • the Leelavati Prize – Chair: Pavel Etingof.Email: chair@leelavati22.mathunion.org
  • the ICM Emmy Noether Lecture – Chair: Sylvia Serfaty. Email: chair@noether22.mathunion.org

Deadline for nominations is 31 December 2020; more information about the awards and the special lecture can be found on the IMU website.

To receive first-hand information about the upcoming International Congress of Mathematicians 2022, register for the ICM 2022 newsletter (at the bottom of the page).