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EMS Council Meeting 2020

New Executive Committee members, 9ECM and Council Meeting 2022

While the EMS Council Meeting was scheduled to take place in Bled from 4 to 5 July this year, shortly before the start of the 8ECM, it was held online instead due to the pandemic.

At the meeting new members of the Executive Committee (EC) have been elected, they are:

  • Jorge Buescu (Portugal) - Vice-President
  • Jiří Rákosník (Czech Republic) - Secretary
  • Fréderic Hélein (France), Barbara Kaltenbacher (Austria), Luis Narváez (Spain), Beatrice Pelloni (UK) and Susanna Terracini (Italy) - Members-at-large.

They will begin their mandate at the beginning of 2021.


In addition, the EMS Council decided that the 9th European Congress of Mathematicians will be held in Seville (Spain) in 2024.