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Success of Slovene Mathematicians - AMC journal in first quarter of SCI journals

The AMC Journal was once again ranked as the best Slovene scientific journal.

Slovene mathematicians just recorded another success! 

The Ars Mathematica Contemporanea Journal (AMC) was once again ranked as the best Slovene scientific journal. It's impact factor for 2015 was 0.985, which landed the journal in the first quarter of scientific journals in the field of mathematics. 

The idea for the magazine was launched in 2008 by the ECM chairman of the organising committee, prof. Tomaž Pisanski, PhD and rector of the University of Primorska, prof. Dragan Marušič, PhD. Together with an international editorial team they are still managing the journal. 

AMC is published by the University of Primorska in cooperation with the Society of mathematicians, physicists and astronomers of Slovenia and Institute for Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics Ljubljana. 

On-line version is open sourced and you can check it on the AMC website