
Latest news

Launch of Online Abstract Submission Point

Opening time scheduled mid next week

The 8ECM Organizing Committee would like to announce the opening of the online abstract submission point, through which you can apply to give a talk at one of our Minisymposia or General Sessions, as well as exhibiting your poster.

All approved submissions will appear in the congress Book of Abstracts. Rest assured that we are working hard to provide you with the simplest, safest and most efficient platform for submitting your work. Unfortunately, during our testing and troubleshooting we ran into minor complications, causing a slight delay in the foreseen launch date, for which we apologize.

The new scheduled opening time is mid next week. After the platform launch, every registered participant will receive an email announcing the launch and inviting them to submit their abstract. Detailed instruction will be published on congress page: https://8ecm.eu/program/abstracts

Please direct any potential questions and/or inquiries regarding abstract submission to 8ecm2020@famnit.upr.si or contact the chair of your preferred Minisymposium via email.


Many thanks for your patience!

8ECM Organizing Committee