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New meeting, new decisions

The Local organising committee continues with its work.

The Local organising committee continues with its work.

Yesterday, the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education hosted the meeting.  The organising committee was greeted by the Dean of the faculty, Assoc. Prof. Janez Vogrinc, PhD (in the middle of the photo), who expressed strong support to the congress organisation!

The organising committee made progress in different areas, among them it: 

- set the timeline of the main stages of the organisation (registrations, early-bird deadline, selection of minisimposia and satelite conferences, etc.); 

  • discussed the approaches for popularisation of mathematics; 
  • discussed the approaches for attracting sponsors; 
  • discussed the accompanying programme of the congress; 
  • agreed on the presentation during the EMS President's meeting in Lisbon on April 1 and 2, 2017.

All in all, we have had a fruitful meeting in a relaxed atmosphere and the progress in organisation is continuing as planned.