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Postdoctoral Positions for Top Early-Career Researchers Available

University of Primorska

Organising institutions of the 8ECM, the Departments of Mathematics of Andrej Marusic Institute (UP IAM) and Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies (UP FAMNIT) at the University of Primorska are seeking top early-career researchers for postdoctoral positions.

Three different positions are available under the mentors Prof. Dragan Marušič, Prof. Bojan Kuzma, and Prof. István Kovács. Selected candidates under the supervision of Prof. Dragan Marušič and Prof. István Kovács will work in the field of algebraic graph theory, while the candidate under supervision of Prof. Bojan Kuzma will work on the preserver problems. Each position is for a two-year period.

More information on the positions is available here:




Applications are considered on a rolling basis until July 15, 2021, or until the position is filled.